About Us

1999 Collective is named after the Foster Care Independence Act of 1999, which created supports for youth aging out of foster care. We hope to increase access to these supports and others, and build collectively upon the foundation established by this legislation.


We envision a world where foster care alumni thrive.


We are a Utah-based community, driven by lived expertise, who works to ensure that those with experience in foster care have every opportunity and capability to thrive.


Organizational Structure

The 1999 Collective is an incorporated nonprofit in the state of Utah. While we await our own 501(c)(3) status from the IRS, we currently accept tax-deductible donations through a fiscal sponsorship agreement with Voices for Utah Children, a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Fiscal sponsorship is a common practice where one nonprofit organization supports another. This support can take many forms. 1999 Collective and Voices for Utah Children are in a model c fiscal sponsorship agreement. Voices for Utah Children retains a 3% administrative fee of incoming contributions for 1999 Collective, and the remaining 97% of contributions go directly to 1999 Collective programming.